Up and down in Card Golf Tour? Check out how it can happen based on Eckroat’s attempt at the Cognizant Classic

Cognizant Classic | Nick Sahrmann

In order to score well on the course, a golfer must understand their odds of hitting a successful shot. The same can be said at the card table. A player must be able to recognize the situation they’re in, and how they can maximize each of their turns based on their odds.
You can play the odds in Card Golf Tour just like you can play the odds on the golf course. From week to week, we will share examples of pros playing the odds during the week's professional golf tournament. Then we will review how you can play similar odds during your next round of Card Golf Tour.  

Pro Example
This week’s edition of Playing The Odds highlights the tournament win by Austin Eckroat at the Cognizant Classic in The Palm Beaches at PGA National Resort. 
In the final round of the rain-delayed tournament that ended on Monday, Eckroat carried the lead into the par 4 14th hole. Below is Eckroat’s 14th hole courtesy of PGA TOURCAST. After a solid tee shot, Eckroat’s approach landed in the back bunker. His bunker shot carried past the pin, leaving him an 8 foot putt for par. Eckroat’s par putt ran by the left side of the hole, resulting in a tap in for bogey.

Card Golf Tour Example
Here is how Eckroat’s 14th hole could have looked like in Card Golf Tour. A good tee shot put him in position for a par as the two cards he turned over to start the hole totaled only 4 points.

Eckroat missed the green and found the bunker on his approach shot. Having to get up and down from the greenside sand trap for par, Eckroat’s point total in his hand was now 10 points – odds were now favoring a par or bogey. 

Eckroat’s bunker shot traveled 8 feet past the pin – as though he turned over a one point 1 iron for a total of 11 points with one card left.

Eckroat’s 8 foot par putt was a 20% chance of making it for a par (by getting a putter card or driver card to get below 10 points in his hand, which would be a par). And an 80% chance of missing it for a bogey (by getting a hybrid or any card with an iron or wedge). Eckroat missed his par putt – as though he turned over a 4 iron to finish with 15 points in his hand for a bogey.

Eckroat bounced back two holes later with a birdie on the par four 16th hole to gain a three shot lead that led to his three shot victory. 

Join us next week as we play the odds at the Arnold Palmer Invitational at Bay Hill Club & Lodge in Orlando, FL.

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