The State Of Card Golf Tour – March Edition

Nick Sahrmann | March Update

Welcome to Card Golf Tour’s March business update! This is the third edition in our series of monthly business update blogs. In this blog, you can expect to find information regarding how CGT fared in February, as well as what to look forward to in March. February was nothing short of a success for the game, and created momentum that the team hopes to carry into March. But before we break down what lies ahead, let's first discuss what was accomplished in the past 30 days.  

February In Review
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” is a quote from Walt Disney that we believe perfectly summarizes the art of starting a business. For months my brother, dad, and I sat around discussing what Card Golf Tour could look like one day. We had great aspirations for the business and knew that it could be a hit, but never really took action. That all changed last summer. We decided that it was time to launch our business. Throughout the summer and fall of last year we began to create the foundation of Card Golf Tour, designing our logo, playing cards, and rules for the game. In January, we turned our attention to marketing and selling our game. All of this led us to the launch of our Kickstarter campaign on January 26th. This was our first true test to see what the demand for Card Golf Tour was. Over the course of the next 30 days, we were able to raise over $2,800 from 59 backers for the future development of Card Golf Tour. My brother and I had no previous experience launching a Kickstarter campaign and were floored by the response we received. This campaign all but validated that there is indeed a market for Card Golf Tour.
Again, “The best way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing”. While the Kickstarter campaign was live, the CGT team also spent time designing our new game packaging, as well as making some tweaks to our instructions and scorecards to make them more user-friendly. We are continuing to expand our social media presence and officially launched our e-commerce on our website on March 1
st. Our team's main takeaway from the past six months has been that very little is given to you in the world of business. You have to work for 99% of the success you have, and we appreciate that. After all, if starting a business really was that easy, everyone would have one! 

March Game Plan
With February in the rearview mirror, let’s look ahead to what’s in store for Card Golf Tour in March. Many of you are probably aware that March 1st is the official start of the 2024 golf season. The timing couldn't have worked out better for Card Golf Tour. On March 6th, we will be holding our first Card Golf Tour event at Brookridge Golf and Fitness in Overland Park, KS. We intend for this to be the first of many in-person events we hold where we bring people together and teach them Card Golf Tour. We are also looking into the logistics of creating a program for GMs of golf clubs across the country to help them hold their own Card Golf Tour events. These events can be a great way to increase member engagement at a club.  
As mentioned above, our website is now accepting orders for Card Golf Tour! We have roughly 30 units remaining of our initial version of Card Golf Tour. We are preparing to place our next order for 500 games, which will come in a new game box and will include redesigned scorecards and a new instruction guide. We hope to have these new games ready for sale by mid-April. In addition to our website, we are planning on selling Card Golf Tour through Amazon and plan to have our game listed by the end of April.  
On a brand promotion note, the team at CGT is considering designing Card Golf Tour apparel and golf accessories such as golf towels, golf balls, and ball markers. We are in the process of getting feedback from friends and family about whether there is demand for Card Golf Tour products. We recognize the power of brand promotion through word of mouth and know there is no better way to do this than to allow our community to display their love for our brand on the golf course. Details to come.  

Time flies when you're having fun. And for the team at CGT, time is flying faster than the speed of light. Designing our logo feels like it happened yesterday. While we are a business, to us it doesn't feel that way. We enjoy what we do and do what we do because we have a great game that we want to share with the world. The lessons my brother and I have learned over the past six months have been way more valuable than the money we’ve made. Not many kids our age come up with a business idea, let alone make it happen. No matter what the future has in store for Card Golf Tour, we know that we and our community will make the most of it. Thanks again to the support from our family and friends, we wouldn't be here without it. Stay tuned to our blog page for weekly “Playing The Odds” posts as well as “Scramble” which will be released soon.  

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